Wednesday, September 30, 2009

And so, it begins....

Thought this was going to be a bunch of pretentious garbage, didn't you?

Well, hopefully, you're pleasantly surprised, because I'm not planning to do anything of the sort. This blog is about boring old me, true, but I plan to focus it around my interests- specifically, fantasy, food, and music. I don't know much about any of them, but I'm planning to learn as much as I can... especially about food and music. After all, food is just AWESOME, and what is music, if not food for the soul?

Another note: If you have any good books you've been reading lately, please, let me know. I'm always starved for reading material. The same applies to quirky recipes and interesting bands, of course, but I plan to discover those myself.

That's all I have for now. I'll have a bit more to say tomorrow. :)